Federal Panel Rules to Keep Mirena Migraine Lawsuits Separate

Thursday, August 28, 2014

So far, nearly 1,000 women have filed lawsuits over the popular IUD contraceptive Mirena after suffering serious uterus perforations that required surgery.

Now, a growing number of lawsuits over a different issue indicate the birth control insert from Bayer may have other dangers as well.

Several new federal lawsuits filed in different states allege the hormone levonorgestrel used in Mirena may cause a serious neurological disorder called PTC, or pseudotumor cerebri.

PTC can cause ongoing problems such as migraines, hearing problems and vision loss.

Levonorgestrel has been linked to PTC and intracranial hypertension for decades, however there are no formal warnings yet issued. Bayer, the maker of Mirena, has not warned patients or doctors about a risk of PTC from the device.

Other Mirena cases for uterine perforation have been consolidated to one federal court for more efficient handling. This month, a panel of judges considered whether to do the same for the growing number of migraine/vision loss cases.

However, in a surprise decision, the court ruled that the plaintiffs and device maer are better served by keeping the cases located in their present courts.

This means those injured by vision loss after using Mirena can file an injury lawsuit in the court closest to their location.



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