An estimated 201 million people in the United States, or 61% of the population, play video games at least once per week. Unfortunately, this has led to an epidemic of addictive behavior for many children and young adults.
Video game addiction is a condition where individuals are unable to control urges for gaming. This often leads them to prioritize it over essential life activities like sleep, self-care, relationships, and school or work.
Victims may also experience repetitive injuries, excessive anger, anxiety, depression, social withdraw, lack of interest and distortion of time perception and decision making.
The problem has become so widespread that it’s now described in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR), as Internet Gaming Disorder. Those affected may require extensive treatment and intervention.
Experts now believe this problem is being caused in large part by gaming companies who deceptively and intentionally design their games to be addictive in order to increase profits through in-game transactions. They’ve also been accused of specifically targeting children and younger customers.
Due to the deceptive practices of these companies and their failure to warn customers, lawyers believe those who’ve been affected may be entitled to substantial awards.
Latest Information on the Video Game Addiction Litigation
No. Lawyers expect thousands of victims will eventually file lawsuits against video game makers for addiction. However, claims are likely to be consolidated into several special multidistrict litigation courts rather than a single Class Action Lawsuit.
In order to handle the volume of cases most efficiently, lawsuits that claim similar injuries from one product, like video games, are often consolidated into specific courts like these.
Instead of forcing people into a single class action lawsuit for Video Game Addiction, multidistrict litigation (MDL) courts allow victims to band their individual cases together in a special court to seek damages separately against each manufacturer.
This process gives victims more advantages than a class action lawsuit. In a class action, lawyers gather participants together who must share whatever is awarded. However, individual participants in an MDL select their own lawyer, have more control over their case, and often reap higher awards.
DrugNews works only with lawyers that have handled tens of thousands of defective product injury cases and are integrally involved with this specialized MDL litigation.
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with a condition related to video game addiction, it’s important to have your case examined by an attorney to see if you have the right to recover damages.
Our qualified defective product injury lawyers will fully investigate your case, reviewing medical records, safety warnings and recent studies that your doctor may not normally discuss.
Most states allow you several years to file a lawsuit after you suffer an injury or discover it may be linked to a dangerous product. However, you should begin the process as early as possible to make sure your lawyer has time to get necessary records and prepare your case.
DrugNews works only with attorneys and law firms that have successfully handled tens of thousands of lawsuits involving injury or death from drugs and medical devices. And, you can speak directly with a lawyer or patient advocate today, so you’ll be able to decide if you want to proceed.
We make it easy to get help, find out if you qualify, and quickly file a claim. Our service is offered at no cost to you, and you won’t pay anything to your attorney unless you receive an award. Also, our qualified lawyers can handle most aspects of your case without you ever having to leave your home.
For more information, or to learn about your options - call, chat or email us today.
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