Testosterone Lawsuit

Low-T drugs may put you at risk. Lawyers are helping those affected by heart attack or stroke.

Testosterone is a naturally-produced steroid hormone that plays an important role in the development of the male prostate, hair growth, muscle and bone mass, sexual vitality, and the prevention of osteoporosis.

androgel lawsuit heart attack

Testosterone Heart Attack Lawsuit

As some men age, testosterone production is diminished. In the past decade, several prescription testosterone therapy drugs have been introduced to fight the effects of low testosterone. Unfortunately, recent reports indicate these medications are largely overprescribed and may cause high rates of heart attack, stroke, or even death among users. Brand name low-T medications include AndroGel, AndroDerm, and Axiron.            

The makers of these low-T drugs have failed to properly warn patients about the dangerous side effects and have even been accused of manipulating studies to show that their products are safe. Now, lawyers are helping those affected by these severe side effects file lawsuits.

Testosterone Lawsuits

Defective drug lawsuits are very complex and often different than normal personal injury or medical malpractice cases. Because of this, it is important to find a testosterone lawyer who specializes in this type of claim.

Testosterone Lawyers

Lawyers handling drug injury lawsuits must have a thorough understanding of medical records, drug safety research and chemical interaction, as well how to litigate cases in special federal courts against powerful drug companies.

If you or a loved one suffered a heart attack, stroke, cardiovascular event, or died after using a testosterone drug, it is important to learn your legal options. A lawyer can discuss your case today. It costs nothing to investigate or file a lawsuit unless you receive compensation.

DrugNews only recommends lawyers experienced with defective drug lawsuits. For more information regarding the research, warnings, litigation or side effects of testosterone drugs, or to speak with a lawyer, contact us today.

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How much is a Testosterone case worth?

Each case is different, so it is difficult to estimate what a single testosterone lawsuit is worth. However, those who experience severe side effects can suffer significant damages that may be reimbursed.                  

Patients suffering heart attack, stroke, or even death require additional medical treatment, and can experience the loss of relationships with friends or family. They may also suffer lost wages or employment.                  

Courts have ruled that economic damages, as well as pain and suffering, are recoverable by victims of defective drug products.

Is there a Testosterone class action lawsuit?

There is not a class action lawsuit for low-T drugs.

However, federal lawsuits against the manufacturers of the low-T medications AndroGel, AndroDerm, and Axiron will be consolidated into the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, where the first lawsuits were filed in early 2014. Of the original five claims against the manufacturer AbbVie and Abbott, three men said that they suffered heart attacks, a fourth man said he had a stroke, and a fifth said he had a mini-stroke.                  

Earlier in 2014, the FDA launched an investigation into the safety of these testosterone therapies. However, a recall is not expected and legal action may be one of the only resources for patients who have been severely affected by these drugs. Those using the medications are urged to speak with their doctors about these side effects and other health risks.

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