Spinal Cord Stimulator Lawsuits

Lawyers are filing claims for those who suffered complications from Spinal Cord Stimulators or needed removal of a Spinal Cord Stimulator.

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Lawsuits are now being filed against the makers of Spinal Cord Stimulators. Those who've suffered these injuries should inquire:

  • Nerve damage or pain stimulation
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Vertigo or extreme dizziness
  • Difficulty swallowing or digesting
  • Extreme and persistent diarrhea
  • Need for device removal.

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For decades Spinal Cord Stimulators (SCS) have been hailed as a safe alternative to treat debilitating pain in patients that fail to respond to pain medications or other nonsurgical options.

spinal cord stimulator lawsuit

Spinal Cord Stimulator Injuries

These small implantable devices allow patients to send electrical impulses to spinal cord nerve fibers in areas of pain, arguably masking the pain signals delivered to the brain. Each year, an estimated 50,000 SCS devices are implanted into new patients.

According to the manufacturers of SCS implants, complications are rare and usually limited to infection, bleeding, electrode migration, device damage, dural puncture or spinal cord trauma.

However, recent reports indicate many patients with SCS devices have suffered other severe injuries or complications from the implants, including:

  • Vagus nerve damage
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Vertigo or extreme dizziness
  • Difficulty swallowing or digesting
  • Nervous system pain stimulation
  • Extreme and persistent diarrhea
  • Electrical burn.

In many cases patients must undergo additional surgery to remove the device and its electrodes, and even continue to suffer effects for years after they are removed as their nerves are resistant to unlearn the electrical impulses.

Although the makers of these SCS devices have known about the additional injury risks for years, they failed to warn patients and doctors. Therefore, lawyers believe they will be responsible for compensation to those injured.

Do I qualify for a Spinal Cord Stimulator Lawsuit?

The makers of SCS devices face liability for the injuries suffered from their products since they failed to properly warn of all the dangers.

Lawyers estimate more than 10,000 patients may be affected by severe SCS injuries, and are now filing claims to help victims recover compensation.

If you have suffered any of the following injuries, you may qualify for a lawsuit:

  • Second surgery to remove SCS device
  • Vagus Nerve Damage
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Vertigo or extreme dizziness
  • Difficulty swallowing or digesting
  • Nervous system pain stimulation
  • Extreme and persistent diarrhea
  • Electrical burn.

Sometimes, victims suffer symptoms for years without knowing the cause. Therefore, if you are experiencing side effects, it is important to speak with your doctor about SCS risks.

It is also important to speak with a lawyer who can secure your medical records and help you investigate a case before it is too late. Contact us today to speak directly with a lawyer about your claim.

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Timeline of SCS Lawsuits

Latest Information on the Spinal Cord Stimulator Litigation

FDA approves SCS to be used in some situations to treat chronic pain from nerve damage associated with diabetic neuropathy.
FDA reports 107,728 adverse event reports filed over the previous four years from SCS implant patients.
The first double blinded, randomized controlled study on SCS side effects is published in Lancet Neurology.
FDA approves SCS as a treatment for Failed Back Surgery, chronic pain, complex regional pain syndrome, intractable angina, visceral abdominal/perineal pain and pain in the extremities from nerve damage.
Shimogi and colleagues first report the pain relieving properties of epidural spinal cord stimulation.
Shealy group tests the gate control theory, implanting the first spinal cord stimulator device directly on the dorsal column for the treatment of chronic pain.

Is There a Spinal Cord Stimulator Class Action Lawsuit?

No. Lawyers expect thousands of victims will eventually file lawsuits against the four manufacturers of SCS devices, however, the claims are likely to be consolidated into a special multidistrict litigation court rather than a Class Action Lawsuit.

In order to handle the volume of cases in the most efficient manner possible, cases with similar injuries alleged to have come from one type of product, like the SCS injury lawsuits, are often consolidated into specific courts like these.

Instead of creating a single class action lawsuit for Spinal Cord Stimulator injuries, these multidistrict litigation (MDL) courts allow those affected to band their individual cases together in a special court to seek damages against the companies.

This process is usually more beneficial for victims than a class action lawsuit. In a class action lawsuit, one group of lawyers gathers class participants who must share whatever is awarded. However, the individual participants in an MDL are able to select their own lawyer, exercise more control over their case and whether it settles, and reap higher award amounts for their separate lawsuit.

DrugNews works only with lawyers that are integrally involved in medical device MDL litigation or are active on the influential MDL Plaintiff Steering Committees.

Choosing a Spinal Cord Stimulator Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries or required removal surgery after receiving a Spinal Cord Stimulator, it's important to have your case examined by a legal expert to see if you have the right to recover damages.

Our qualified medical device injury lawyers will fully investigate your case, reviewing medical records, safety warnings and recent studies that your doctor may not normally discuss.

Most states allow you several years to file a lawsuit after you suffer an injury or discover it may be linked to a dangerous product. However, you should begin the process as early as possible to make sure your lawyer has time to get necessary records and prepare your case.

DrugNews works only with attorneys and law firms that have successfully handled tens of thousands of lawsuits involving injury or death from drugs and medical devices. And, we can connect you directly to a lawyer or patient advocate today, so you'll be able to decide if you want to proceed.

We make it easy to get help, find out if you qualify, and quickly file a claim. Our service is offered at no cost to you, and you won't pay anything to your attorney unless you receive an award. Also, our qualified lawyers can handle most aspects of your case without you ever having to leave your home.

For more information, or to learn about your options - call, chat or email us today.

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Our attorneys specialize in medical device litigation. "The free evaluation is always confidential."

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